Bending Reality

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Bending Reality

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A new Typeface

With the use of a self-made lens, I created a new typeface. By stretching the existing font Avenir to its limits, I discovered the different forms a letter can take.

Using the fisheye lens technique to reshape an existing typeface challenged me to create a lens. With different vases, bowls and water unexpected shapes, forms and reflections appeared. I stretched the letters so much that chromatic aberration occurred.

I was inspired by fisheye lenses used on album covers. Reshaping of the world fascinates me. Having created two typefaces with two different lens techniques gave room for a lot of graphic possibilities. Exploring possibilities in animation and silkscreen printing.
Take a look at the project below
Digital try outs
A mirrored and stretched version of the Avenir typeface. Creating an icon type of letter.
A stretched Avenir letter created with a fishbowl
A boxed version of the Fish typeface creating a sans serif out of a serif.

Handmade screenprints 

Screen printed on a raincoat

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